Leeds Summer Group Show 2021


In Beth’s work she depicts issues and chooses mediums she feels best suits that particular issue. These works are from a series called "austerity". Taking found images from newspapers to illustrate stories of deaths that she would link to policies related to austerity. The works relate to the deaths of three homeless people, a carer killed when lone working, a child who fell from a broken high rise building and a man deemed fit for work who died in the job centre queue. The images are painted in a quick throw away style to echo the way these stories are presented. Whilst the works are pastel in shade, they are challenging in context. She’s chosen to use paint as she feels this has traditionally been used used to denote something which is noteworthy.


Fit For Work (2020) Oil on paper, 30cm x 40cm, NFS

Working Alone (2020) Oil on paper, 30cm x 40cm, NFS

Body in The Square (2020) Oil on paper, 30cm x 40cm, NFS

Broken Window (2020) Oil on paper, 30cm x 40cm, NFS

Behind The Bullring (2020) Oil on paper, 30cm x 40cm, NFS

Anonymous (2020) Oil on paper, 30cm x 40cm, NFS