CLIENT: National Trust
ARTIST: Lorna Johnson
PRODUCER: Court Spencer
DATE: April - October 2024
VENUE: Knole, a National Trust property in Kent
Ruffles by Lorna Johnson is a site-responsive installation that celebrates strong female figures from history who ruffled feathers and moved society forward. Presented at Knole, the birthplace of Vita Sackville West, this piece was part of the Vita Season celebrating the bold woman who was passionate about living and loving on her own terms.
Vita is famous for her unconventional life which saw passionate love affairs with both men and women, a career as an author and her vision to create an incredible home and gardens at Sissinghurst.
This site-responsive art installation is made up of cushions adorned with hand-sewn ruffles in a variety of fabrics from coarse cotton to fine silk. These represent the interdependent relationships of women from different backgrounds who supported one another via relationships including as friends, lovers and employers.
The piece is accompanied by a scent inspired by Vita's gardens, incorporating rose, violet, iris and sweet pea. This is concentrated at the entrance of The Orangery to mimic the way Vita placed scented plants at the entrances of her gardens for maximum impact as people brushed up against them.
Ruffles celebrates Vita, a pioneering female figure who challenged the way women were viewed by society.