Leeds Summer Group Show 2021


Alison is an artist, researcher and educator, working within an expanded understanding of the painting tradition. She uses physical and digital paint, virtual reality, moving image film, and more recently sound and augmented reality to create abstract works that perform as immersive encounters. These works test what it is we understand as painting today and what that might mean for both the artist/maker/producer and the viewer/participant/contributor. They explore concepts and techniques routed in the history of abstraction, and through their virtual make-up, pursue the idea of painting as place.

These virtual paintings developed through a process of documenting practice brought about by collecting her physical paint palettes for her practice led PhD research. Her process involves taking digital photographs of the palettes and importing them into VR. These images then become a platform for choice, such as colour and form, and through a mapping and tracing approach develop into 3D virtual paintings.


Topsy 2, 2020, Abstract VR Painting Still, W29.7 x H42cm, NFS

Topsy 3, 2020, Abstract VR Painting Still, W29.7 x H42cm, NFS

Topsy 4, 2020, Abstract VR Painting Still, W29.7 x H42cm, NFS